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love this site very affordable
Très bon service, rapide et juste. Un gars du service à la clientèle m'a appelé avant de finaliser l'envoie de ma machine, afin de s'assurer que le produit réponderait bien à la tâche prévue, wow ????????
I was having a great deal of trouble finding a supplier in Ontario that is reasonably priced and professional, so I turned to ordering from the other side of the country. I also could not find any suppliers in the States as they mostly have cut off orders from Canada. Sycorp has what I need and ships the order without hassles. They even remember to send my backordered items promptly. They have all the great products a proprietor needs and ship them promptly at a reasonable cost. So far I am very happy with Sycorp as my new main supplier for my business.
Great and quick service!
easy to purchase, always...
The site is very user friendly.
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